Translational Research

The IOCN works with the NIHR and the Oncology Translational Research Collaborative (OTRC) to promote UK Translational reseach studies. Fore more information on current translational research projects across the UK please see including contact details and information see below:

MEDALLION - University of Newcastle, 

CHiLI - University of Nottingham, Dr Hester Franks

HYST - University of Liverpool, Dr Anna Olsson- Brown,

ICI Genetics - University of Birmingham

MITRE - University of Cambridge,

PAIR - Guys and St Thomas, London

UK Toxicity Databases:

Rare Toxicity- Birmingham University + OTRC

Hepatology - University of Birmingham

Neurology- ' Under development' - Cardiff 

Reporting Side Effects:

Medicines & Healthcare prodcts Regulatory Agency yellow card scheme